Tag Archives: tupperware

Park and Cache and a few DNFs off the list – Geocaches 34-38

As Terri was encumbered by a dodgy ankle, we resolved to take it easy and do caches that had parking very, very close by. Two of our DNFs from last week fitted the bill exactly, so we started with those.

As is often the case with DNFs, you don’t know how you missed them in the past! After a bit of raking around we spotted this one (GC4D5DZ) from the roadside with no raking in the foliage necessary. A spot of trampled grass might have lent us a small clue, but we tried to re-spike it a bit after we had leaned in!

To scale.

Next up, another DNF from last week – Somewhere over the Road… (GC52EHA) fairly quickly found by eagle eyes. This one takes the prize for loveliest logbook – a handmade one! It was great to find a cache that was bigger than a nano for a change too… though I do enjoy a good nano…

Handmade log book

We were very happy to get two DNFs off our list! Next we headed to one of the Beating the Boundries series in Cleadon (BTB Cleadon E – GC2X32R) to see if we could get a start on the series after failing to find BTB Cleadon S (GC2X1X2) the other week.

Got it!
A nice view from our first BTB find.

Pleased with our three-in-a-row we went for another new (to us) cache in Whitburn village (GC30TAX). This one was a disco cache (disguised cache) which we couldn’t find! We’ve a few disco caches on our list of DNFs now, and at least two are by the same person. We headed back towards the coast for Not Another Black Nano (GC4D5E9), which wasn’t.

Accurate title

With the promise of some travel bugs, Terri was lured to the Lizard (GC31E3M), but the bugs had sadly departed. Nevertheless, every find counts and we got it quickly thanks to obvious geocaching rock.

Where could it be hidden?

A productive day out!